Stock Borrowing & Lending

All expand | All closedGeneral Questions

1. What is Securities Lending and Borrowing(SBL)?

When a client borrows shares from Phillip Securities and sells those in the market, expecting the market and share price to fall. The client could then buy back at a lower price and take profit in the price difference.

2. What are the documentation and agreement requirements?

A client will only need to sign the "SBL agreement" given that they have already opened a securities account. Alternatively, the client could also open both in the stage of account opening.

3. What are the fees?

All outstanding loan fees will be collected once in month-end The client will also need to pay a one-time $270 account opening fee directly to the IRD.

4. Does it matter if my account is a cash or margin account?

We have no restriction on what type of account can open an SBL account.

5. Real-life SBL trading example

Given that the client performed a short sell on 22nd
    • They borrowed Alibaba 1000 shares and short sell at $175</> Assuming the client just opened the account; thus the $270 IRD fee will be deducted from their stock account.
    • The order will also need to fulfill the margin agreement by 25% value in the stock account. In this case, it will be $43,750
On the 24th(Settle date)
    • Transfer of $218,750 from stock to SBL account
    • Transfer of 1,000 shares Alibaba to Stock accounts for settlement purposes
On the 26th
    • The client decided to perform buy-back and contacted their responsible office to inform them they wished to close the position.
    • For example: Buy-back 1,000 shares at $170 and informed their responsible officer

On the 28th(Settle date)
  • Transfer of $218,750 from SBL to the stock account
  • Transfer of 1,000 shares Alibaba from Stock to SBL account for the closing position

Profit: $5,000 ($5 X 1,000)
Not including loan fees and other related charges


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