Goto eStatement
- Product and Service
- Phillip Apps
- Customer Service
What is E-Statement Service?
E-statement service users will receive contact notes and monthly statements via e-mail instead of receiving paper statements. By using this service, you can enjoy the following benefits,
- Receiving bills in a faster and more securer way
- Avoid delay/loss of mails
- Environmental friendly
Are there any differences between electronic and paper statements?
No, the format and layout is the same.
When will I receive the electronic contract notes and statements?
The electronic contract note will be sent to your registered e-mail address at the night of the same transaction date, while monthly statement will be sent at the beginning of each month. In general, electronic statement users will receive the statement before the paper statement users.
是可以的。但您必須以書面申請及簽名,親身、郵寄或傳真(2868 5307)至本公司交收部。 若您所索取的是3個月內的單據,費用全免;如果是3個月以前的,則我們會收取每份$30的手續費。
申請手續十分簡便,只需簽妥同意書,以郵寄、傳真(2868 5307)或親身交回本公司即可。同意書會並附使用手冊,您只需按照使用手冊內的程序便可使用電子單據服務。 要索取同意書,可致電我們(2277 6555)以郵寄或傳真予閣下,您亦可到我們的網址直接下載。
How can I do if I cannot receive e-Statement?
Please contact Customer Service Department for assistance and we will be happy to help you. No charges applied for reissuing the statement within 3 months.
What should I do if I would like to amend my registered e-mail address?
You are requested to fill in the Accounts Particulars Amendment Form for updating your personal information. Please return the form by fax 2277 6008 or email to
How do I interpret the buy and sell order in the Particulars?
The English and Chinese stock name will be displayed in the particulars when you buy or sell a stock. The Exchange name and stock code will also be displayed nearby the Chinese name. (Example 1: 中國移動/XHKG/000941 or Example 2: 特斯拉/XNGS/TSLA).