
Bonds Trading

Besides traditional stock market, we are also providing the bonds trading and investing services, which let you enjoy a fixed and steady income under the fast changing environment.

About bonds

Bond is an instrument of indebtedness of the bond issuer to the holders. Government, corporations and companies issue bonds to raise fund. Buying bonds is same as lending fund to the issuers, issuers are obliged to pay them interest (the coupon) and/or to repay the principal at a later date, termed the maturity. Bond holders can choose to hold to bonds until it matures or sell it before maturity at the market price.

Why Investing Bonds

  • Enjoy a higher return than bank fixed deposits
  • Receive coupon interest regularly
  • Variety of choice. Select the bonds suit you the most
  • Credit ratings of government bonds are higher than the banks
  • Maturity can be as short as 3 months
  • Withdraw before maturity without charging extra interests
  • Can be used as stock margin deposits*
  • Handling fee as low as 0.15% of the nominal value
  • Generally, Corporate bonds are less volatile than the related stock

*Margin ratio of bonds up to 80%


Bonds Investment service in Phillip

We are providing you a comprehensive bonds investment service with a direct hotline, perfect branch network and precise quote service.

  • Minimum Investment amount: HKD 500,000 or minimum niminal value for HKD bonds. USD100,000 for USD bonds.
  • No interest collection charges or redeem fees.
  • Feel free to call us at 2277 6662 to ask for more information and quotes.


查詢債券最新報價及進行交易,歡迎聯絡您的客戶主任或致電債券投資熱線 2277 6662。
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債券最新報價亦可參考香港金融管理局的輝立証券(香港)有限公司 債券報價網站


輝立証券(香港)有限公司已採取措施提供準確而可靠的資料,但並不保證資料絕對無誤,及不擬就有關由第三方提供的資料所出現的錯誤或違漏承擔任何責任。 以上所有資料只供參考用途。投資決定在於您本人。除非你完全明白及願意承擔債券的相關風險,否則你不應投資該產品。 債券表現受發行人的實際和預計借貸能力所影響。就償債責任而言,債券不保證發行人不會拖欠債務。在最壞情況下(如發行者不履行契約),債券持有人可能無法取回債券的利息和本金。


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