Goto UT Monthly Saving Plan
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All expand | All closedGeneral Questions
2. Are there any handling fees for UTRSP subscription?
There are no handling fees imposed by Phillip Securities (HK) Limited. For other fee and charges please click Relevant terms and conditions and Fee for details.
3. What is the minimum monthly subscription amount for UTRSP?
You can start your Monthly Investment Plan for Funds with monthly investment amount as low as HKD1,000 per fund. If the monthly RSP contribution exceed HK$25,000 or its equivalent in foreign currencies, the excess part of contribution will be charged for subscription fee (calculated at 0.75%).
4. Am I able to change my UTRSP monthly subscription amount? If yes, are there any charges?
You are able to change your UTRSP subscription amount whenever. And there are no charges.
5. What will happen to my unit holdings after my UTRSP has been stopped?
Your holdings will remain unchanged. You may retain them as a long-term investment.
6. How Phillip Securities deduct money monthly for UTRSP Plan?
There are 2 payment methods are available:
1) Debit from your Phillip Securities account;
2) Through Direct Debit Instruction (DDI) which deduct money from your bank account.
1) Debit from your Phillip Securities account;
2) Through Direct Debit Instruction (DDI) which deduct money from your bank account.
7. Any selection of investment funds is available for UTRSP?
UTRSP fund list can be downloaded from POEMS>SBP>Regular Saving Plan.
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