Risk Disclosure Statements:
The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute professional legal or financial advice, nor should it be construed as a recommendation, invitation, advertisement, or guidance for the purchase, sale or investment of any product.
Investors should refer to the respective fund's offering documents and read carefully the summary of the key features and risks specific to this fund stated in the fund factsheet prepared by the relevant fund house, before making any investment decision. While Phillip Securities Group (“the Group”) endeavours to keep the information up to date and correct, the Group makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the accuracy or completeness with respect to the information. The Client shall not make any decision based on information provided on this webpage. The Group disclaims all responsibility for any loss or loss caused by the information on this website.
If you do not understand the contents of this risk disclosure statement or do not have sufficient knowledge of the respective fund, please contact us and find out more. If you want to make any investment, you should also seek independent professional advice.
Investing in funds involve a variety of risks, including market, exchange rate, volatility, liquidity, credit/counterparty, rating decline, regulation and politics, etc. Fund prices can go up and down, be volatile, and even become worthless and suffer losses. Before making any fund investment decision, investors should read the terms and conditions in the offering documents of the respective fund to see if the risks, characteristics and restrictions of the fund is suitable for their personal financial position, investment objectives, and risks.